Beautiful homes

Halo Living designs and builds beautiful homes specifically for people living with a disability.
The homes we create are much more than a place to live. While they have been designed to cater for the needs of people living with a disability, a lot of planning and consideration has been given to the overall aesthetics just as you would expect with a custom-designed home.

Designed for people living with a disability

Our primary focus, when designing our homes, is to create a space that allows for maximum functionality without compromising on the aesthetics. Private suites allow for individal privacy, while the common areas are spacious and welcoming to allow for ease of movement and provide options for group gatherings.

From the finishes through to the furnishings, every space is functional, appropriate for the needs of the tenants and visually appealing. Our homes are a place you will be proud to call home.

Your Rights in Halo Living

Our homes are designed, built, and managed with the knowledge and understanding of each participant’s legal and human rights and this is incorporated into everyday practice, including through reasonable adjustments or modifications to the dwelling to meet each participant’s needs.

We provide Service agreements with each participant that detail all aspects of our offering and to ensure you have a full understanding of those details and the provision of specialist disability accommodation. Your rights and responsibilities in relation to the dwelling are clearly detailed, and provided in the language, mode of communication and terms that you as the participant is most likely to understand. That includes in written and video format, and face to face discussion is available, if you choose, to ensure you are confident in your understanding.
Participants autonomy is important to us, including their right to privacy.


  • 920mm wide doors
  • 1500mm wide hallways
  • Large bedrooms that allow clearance around queen beds
  • Large ensuites to every bedroom
  • Ceiling hoists from bedroom to ensuite
  • Full automation †
  • Touchless entry – phone, tablet, RFID on chair & more can unlock and swing open doors
  • Automation system controls the following with voice, phone, tablet, or switches:
  • Lights, Fans, A/C Blinds
  • TV’s (mounts on walls in every bedroom and the living room)
  • Dedicated relationship manager
  • Long leases
  • Gardening is included
  • Safe & Secure ‡

† Our automation system is able to be controlled by tablet, phone, voice, touch screen panels or even good old-fashioned buttons. A robust commercial grade system that can be individually programmed to suit access needs, movement, or any other requirements

‡ All of our trades and services are trusted providers who Halo Living have built relationships with over many years. Halo Living will liaise with your Supported Independent Living Accommodation Provider so that they know when to expect arrival.

Why choose Halo Living

Design, build and manage

We design, build and manage our properties. That means the company and the people you deal with at the beginning are also the people who will make sure your lawn is mowed once you move in and will manage your lease into the future.

Experience in the disability

We have collective experience in the disability sector. We make it a priority to ensure your home can accommodate your power chair so you can navigate your way around as easily as possible.